AKC: SR75606202

Am/Int'l CH
Sokoldalu's Fancy Won't Let me Down by Tierah CA BCAT RATN CGC

(holds titles for Multiple Championships in Conformation, Lure Coursing, Barn Hunt, & Canine Good Citizen)

Reba came to us from a litter we co-bred with Jill Brennan and Eleesa Markham of Tierah Vizslas.  She was one of our slow maturing females. She has always done very well at the shows but it wasn't until Fall 2014 that she started to gain points toward her AKC Championship. She finished her Championship with 7 straight wins in a row and her final one was on the first day during a specialty weekend with a huge number of competition entailing a 5 point major win. She really enjoys Lure Coursing and is often the fastest one in the test. She has passed her Canine Good Citizen test and lives with her family full time in Lenore, ID where they continue to polish up her skills for Rally Obedience.

You can find Reba's pedigree on Vizsla Database.